sober upの例文


  1. yeah , these little fellas are just starting to sober up .
  2. he must have been trying to sober up or something , but
    酔いでも 覚ましてたんでしょうけど
  3. sober up . you might realize you're getting fucked .
    シラフになってみると 掘られている事に気づくかも
  4. shall we go for a walk to sober up ?
  5. to sober up , isn't it better to go with that person over there ?
    酔い覚ましなら、その人連れて いかれた方がいいんじゃないんですか?


  1. "sober statistics"の例文
  2. "sober style"の例文
  3. "sober thought"の例文
  4. "sober thought(s"の例文
  5. "sober truth"の例文
  6. "sober up in an instant"の例文
  7. "sober-faced"の例文
  8. "sober-headed"の例文
  9. "sober-minded"の例文
  10. "sober thought(s"の例文
  11. "sober truth"の例文
  12. "sober up in an instant"の例文
  13. "sober-faced"の例文

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